Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Concentration Central

If you cannot avoid all of the distractions in your dorm room, described previously, then a great place for you is the library or any other study lounge. These places automatically remove the temptation to waste time on the computer, on the phone, or watching TV because most people in the library will be trying to work and will not want to be distracted. Surrounding yourself with focused people in a quiet environment will help you to concentrate, as well.

I am a new library go-er--as of the beginning of this week. That's a little late in the year to be learning that I focus better in the library, but it is still a valuable lesson. I am amazed at the amount of work I get done there, as compared to in my dorm, where I can't change the noise level around me. I would recommend the library as a great place to study to anyone! I feel excited about studying, which brings promise to my future school endeavors.

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